Study Abroad Beginnings and Uncertainties

Young Women Travel Together Concept

Have you just arrived in a new city for study abroad? All that hard work of filling out your application and Visa, buying plane tickets, and packing your suitcase has finally paid off. So, now what?  If you’re like me, you may have found a sudden stillness and uneasiness since arriving in your new city. What you did at home in the United States may not fit into your new life abroad. 

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How Does Studying Abroad Help You for a Prospective Career?


When you think of your prospective career, studying abroad is a sure way to open doors of opportunity. Regardless whether you’re thinking about a future work after high school or college, you might want to consider the options. Nowadays, seeking an ideal career requires work, dedication, and standing out from the crowds. Here are three valuable characteristics studying abroad help you with a future job opportunity: Continue reading “How Does Studying Abroad Help You for a Prospective Career?”

How to Prepare Yourself in order to Have a Pleasant Homestay


Staying with a host family is a very exciting idea. After all, you are going to meet new people, make friends, learn a new language, eat new food, and a host of other things. You actually cannot wait to go stay with them but going about it with a fixed mindset will spoil the fun and make you a pain to your host family. To avoid such a scenario and make your stay enjoyable for everyone, you have to be open-minded and flexible. Use the following tips to get along well with your hosts. Continue reading “How to Prepare Yourself in order to Have a Pleasant Homestay”